Albino Bristlenose Pleco Care Sheet

Albino Bristlenose PlecoAquarium Fish Care
SizeUp to 6 inches or 15 cm
Fish HardinessEasy to keep
Water Temperature72 - 84 ยบF or 22 - 29 ยบC
Water pH5.5 - 8.0 pH
Water Hardness5 - 25 dH
Peaceful or AggressivePeaceful
Number of same species in one aquariumOne if you don't want to breed with them, two or more if you want to breed with them
Community FishYes
SexesMales are larger and wider than females with more and longer bristles
StrataThe bottom and sides of the aquarium
FoodAlgae inside the aquarium, supplement with sinking tablets
BreedingRelatively easy to breed
Breeding temperature72 - 84 °F or 22 - 29 °C
Other namesAlbino Bristlenose Catfish, Albino Bushy Nose Pleco
Scientific nameThis fish is from the genus Ancistrus which includes more than sixty subspecies
Lifespan12 years

Aquarium Fish Care for the Albino Bristlenose Pleco


The Albino Bristlenose Pleco is identical to its cousin, the Bristlenose Pleco with the only difference obviously being its color.

Unlike other albino fish varieties like for instance the Albino Corydoras or the Albino Rainbow Shark that are both white, the Albino Bristlenose Pleco has got more of a yellow to golden color.

They do not have the usual fish shape but are flat on the underside from head to tail. On their top side they are sharply rounded from the front tapering down less sharply to the tail.


They are peaceful fish in general. Older males may show some aggression towards other Plecos, especially during feeding and even more so when breeding.This should however not really be a problem providing that there is enough space and hiding place for everyone.

Community Species

They are ideal for a community aquarium and for most species aquariums. What makes them even more ideal is the fact that they will keep algae growth inside your aquarium to a absolute minimum.


They tend to swim mainly near the bottom of the aquarium but when eating algae off of the glass or from plants and ornaments they can cover all regions of the aquarium.

They prefer well planted aquariums with ornaments and caves to have enough hiding place during daytime. It is however common behavior for them to choose a darker area of the aquarium where they will suck onto the vertical wall of the aquarium and remain there for long periods of time.


When setting up a new aquarium it is best to wait until there is visible algae in your aquarium before you put Plecos in.

This is a nocturnal fish but they do come out during daytime, especially when feeding them bottom feeding pellets or frozen or freeze dried bloodworms they will come after the smell of the food.


To get this Pleco to breed is relatively easy. Supply them with a cave of some sort. You can construct a cave by using rocks, ornaments and plants. This will give a more natural appearance.

You can also use a plastic pipe that is blanked of at the one end. A flower pot that is turned on its side will also work well. The diameter of the cave can be in the region of 4 -8 inches or 10 - 20 centimeter.

If you built a cave with a larger diameter, try to conceal the entrance somewhat by using plants or ornaments.

Having one male and one female will be sufficient. Conditioning them is not really necessary although they might spawn easier if you feed them brine shrimp and bloodworms more regularly.

The female will lay the eggs in the cave after which the male will fertilize them. The male will then remain in the cave to guard the eggs and to keep them well aerated by fanning them with his fins.

The eggs will hatch in about five days and the fry will become free swimming after another five to ten days.


The Bristlenose can become ten to twelve years old.
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