Albino Cory Cat | Profile and Description |
Size | Up to 2.5 inches or 7 cm |
Fish Hardiness | Easy to keep |
Water Temperature | 71.6 to 82.4°F or 22 to 28°C |
Water Ph | 6.0 to 8.0 pH |
Water Hardness | 2 to 30 dH |
Peaceful or Aggressive | Peaceful |
Number of same species in tank | Two or more, more is better |
Community Fish | Yes |
Sexes | Males are more slender built than the wider females especially when viewed from the top |
Strata | Bottom |
Food | Bottom feeder pellets, flake food and blood worms that sinks to the bottom |
Breeding | Fairly easy to breed |
Breeding temperature | 71.6 to 75.2°F or 22 to 24°C |
Other names | Albino Cory, Albino Corydoras, Albino Bronze Corydoras |
Scientific name | Corydoras aeneus |
Lifespan | 5 years |